ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

May First

Happy May Day! I don’t really know what that means; well, I do but I forget. >_<

Anyway, I think I’m getting addicted to training; I’m coming off such a big high from my Hard Corps marathon that I want to do really well at my next marathon. I’ll be taking it easy, though, as Hal Higdon prescribes in his back-to-back Marathon training regimen. Plus, I’m running with Ms. Sheryl Tan — it’s going to be her first evar marathon, so we’ll be taking it easy whilst attempting to finish under six hours. 😉

Back to taking it easy, I might’ve staved off an illness/cold I was bound to get. Silly me, after my swim on Wednesday, I decided to go run my errands first before going home and taking a warm shower. I was out and about for nearly an hour when I finally made it home… Then, after showering, I neglected to dry my hair and let itself dry on it’s own (albeit, I did towel-dry… ish). That combined with the cold breeze entering my window made for a rather haggardly feeling that by the evening, went to me feeling really sluggish. A sneeze or two later, followed by that familiar feeling that something’s up, I went ahead and remedied it with a shot of NyQuil and plopped on my bed soon after. Crisis averted?

Well, I took it a step further and didn’t go out on my recovery walk yesterday. Yes, it was only two miles but I thought of just being on the safer side… I don’t want to fall ill right now, especially with all these H1N1 virus (e.g., swine flu) going about. Later today, though, to quell my need to move, I’m going to do some resistance training and ab work… Maybe after tea. ^_^

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