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Midweek Food-for-Thought

Got this off of those Runner’s World Quote of the Day email:

“Running gives me a sense of controlling my life. I like the finiteness of runs, the fact that I have a clear beginning and end. I set a goal and I achieve it. A good run makes you feel sort of holy.”

– Nancy Gerstein, runner

I think I’ll keep in mind the middle-portion of that quote: I like the finiteness of runs, the fact that I have a clear beginning and end. I set a goal and I achieve it. It’s deffo summat to keep in mind when one’s running a marathon! The holy bit can use some updating — like, when I run, sometimes I’m in awe of nature’s majesty (or the ignorance of humans, especially when they block the effing path I’m running on by walking three or four abreast. Keep to the right, people!!) but back to nature’s majesty…

I have some inspirational/upbeat Christian music on my iPod. For my Hard Corps marathon, I purposely included all the Christian-themed songs about 4 hours into my run; I thought that whilst hearing these songs that I’d sing along to on the radio (yes, there’s a nice station playing Christian pop music, based in Orange County called “The Fish” 95.9 KFSH) that I’ll be inclined to continue running. It actually works but since I have a limited playlist (I’ve only about 5 to 9 songs), they don’t really last me until the end of the marathon and I end up listening to whatever I have and that’s when I’m normally tired/pooped/bored/dejected. LOL.

In other news, because of the quakes/aftershocks (which now some seismologists are saying that it’ll only get stronger), I’m going to check the house for anything that might topple over and break when something stronger than a 4.7 occurs… Ahhh. California! We’ve fires, earth shakes and a governator! wOOt. >_<

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