21km The Recaps[Posted on ]

Race Report: Long Beach Half Marathon

After pumping myself with (the recommended dosage of) Glucosamine for 3 consecutive days for my bum knee, worrying about the race for six days and then falling ill for four days (and counting!), I’ve done and completed my 3rd half-marathon this year — 2 more than what I’d normally do in a year — and I’m glad to say that I’m not bothered that I did not get a personal best/record.

Considering I and my friend Lisa (whom I was running with) had five unscheduled stops that lasted between three to twelve minutes: two failed bathroom breaks (lines were too long), one successful bathroom break (@ the Marriott Residence Inn in Long Beach — so clean and NOT a porta-potty!) and another at one of the beach restrooms (Lisa had to go again), and finally one break for me at the Kool ‘N’ Fit tent around mile 10 (that Kool ‘n’ Fit shower was sooooo good!), I’m not at all bothered that I finished this half-marathon over my more recent SF half… I figured, at least I finished under 3 hours (2:54:17, to be exact!), this without running for a month. ^_^

That being said, there’s much to do between now and December 4th, when I will partake in my 4th and last half-marathon for this year. For one thing, I’m going to start training again (rofl).

The weather was perfect yesterday — it was cloudy and the temperature was almost right and the course was much flatter than I remembered. I guess it was a missed opportunity to PR but let’s just regard that as a training run towards Las Vegas in December.

My knees held up ok, too — I guess the Phiten titanium-infused discs I put on them worked! I don’t remember feeling any other pain, either. I guess I was so focused on my knees not hurting that I ignored or really didn’t feel anything else. I didn’t even take my Tylenol 8-hour for this one! After the race is another story as my stuffy nose returned and I know I should’ve had a change of clothing but I felt really cold and was chilly. As a result, I’ve relapsed and still have a cold. >_<

The course
I’m beginning to like new courses, rather than revisiting old ones. I guess I’ve been doing the same San Diego Marathon race for the past 4 years that I get bored on the race course. Although, not with the half-marathons and Long Beach was no different. I mean, I’ve done this event once in the past but they changed bits of it that it kept me guessing where the next mile marker would be.

Finish Line!
This race had one sweet finish line area — we had free EAS Myoplex protein drinks, bagels, bananas, and CUPCAKES. Oh, the usual one free beer, per finisher was also brilliant. I ended up spending $9 on a big order (i.e., big enough for me, Sheryl and Lisa to share!) of Carne Asade Nachos… Mmmm, I’m still craving more nachos!

Overall, it was a fun race experience despite me not meeting my half-marathon time goal… Did I mention I finally got my California Dreamin’ medal? Check it out below along with my customary post-race food photos. 😉

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p.s., I nearly forget to post my Garmin and Nike+ data captures. ^_^

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