ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


Yesterday, as I was looking over my race report again, I became really excited and was looking forward to the Las Vegas Half Marathon in December. I have about 7 weeks to ‘continue training’ (if I count Long Beach as training! LOL) and I’m really optimistic about perhaps beating my current personal best for half marathons before year’s end.

So I did the usual and visited the Hal Higdon website, downloaded a training regimen and inputted that on my calendar. The next step would be to actually stick to it — which I think I’d do this time since…


Well, I typed the stuff above (on October 15th) but ended up not sticking to my original (projected) plan. True, I hadn’t really published the file yet, which means that it wasn’t set in stone — but in my mind, I had already made up the fact that I needed to re-train again. Which of course, meant that I wasn’t! LOL.

Still, I’ve done long mile runs during the weekend and even attempted some weight training last week (one day). I’m planning to be more active this month (November), though. With big projects looming and NaNoWriMo (I’m doing that again this year!), working out will actually be a welcomed respite.

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