Yearly Archives: 2009

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes: Ok, I was supposed to do 5 miles today but due to some time constraints, I could only do 3. Still, I made the most out of the workout [...]

I want… Silverrrrrrr!

I was reading the newest email newsletter Runner’s World sent and followed a link for one of their featured articles “Gear: Cool [...]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

Notes: I can’t believe my Nike+iPod died on me during run… again! 🙁 I don’t think I’m going to set anymore distan [...]

Recovery Walk: 40 minutes

Notes: Ok, today was supposed to be a tempo day, but I decided against it; well, I also sought Sheryl‘s advice and she thought it was [...]

Training Run: 4.5 miles

Notes: I was amazed at how I felt during this run. Sure, it was a bit labourious as usual but the soles of my feet were ok considering that [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes: Not too bad of a run; scary thing though — I thought my ankle was giving way, but I kept my pace and eventually it warmed up. M [...]

Energy Boosting Foods!

Another great article from Runner’s World. Curiously, it was written in 2007 but linked in a 2009 email (I subscribe to their newslett [...]

Cross-Training (35 minutes)

Notes: I was supposed to do speedwork today but my sis wanted to go for a swim so I opted for that instead. I only did a few drills, though [...]

Aww… Someone else got to it.

A month ago, Sheryl and I were discussing over IM how it would be soooo cool to track peoples’ heartrates in-real-time and online. How [...]

Cross-Training (45 minutes)

Notes: Went lap swimming this evening — actually, I probably shouldn’t call it lap swimming cos I read somewhere that it’s [...]

Race Report: Disneyland Duathlon

Race: Trek Women Disneyland Duathlon Date: June 14th, 2009 Location: Anaheim, California Notes: It was great to finally experience my first [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 3 months, and 23 days since first blog post.