ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

New WP Theme!

Yesh! Finally finished my new theme for WP. I call this one, “Stark” — though, now that I think about it, I should rename it as almostStark. I wanted a theme that was clean and less cluttered than my previous grung-y one. Ended up with a white canvas, a plain shadowed box and then I just started piling up more and more items. AHHHH. Still, I feel this is cleaner than my previous design (aptly labeled, Grunge). This is not really done yet, and am attempting to get everything back in its place, so please excuse the mess.

Oh, I’m using my handwriting as the post headers, btw! I used Fontifier to create my handwriting font (for $9USD, you get to create your very own in minutes!) and then used the Cufón Font Replacement plugin to apply it. Pretty neat, huh? Better than that sIFR code a while back…


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