Bearuu Project Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Quads sore. Ajax, JS, PHP to be continued.

I’m still sore; meaning, my quadriceps are screaming for stretching and all that jazz to free it from its bonds of tightness  (or something like that). I used The Stick today and rolled it over my aching muscles. I think the last time I used it was, er, I can’t even remember the last time I used it! >_< Gonna do some P90X stretching today, too.

In other news, I really need (as in, FOR REAL this time) to learn Ajax, JavaScript and PHP. I’ve been talking (mostly to myself and sometimes, with actual people) about learning these technologies but I haven’t really gotten too far. The closest I got to starting was creating a “Hello World” page in PHP and something similar in JavaScript ages ago. Fast forward to today and I really haven’t anything to show for it! I can train for long distance races for weeks-on-end but I can’t train my mind to write (Java)scripts!

As keeps nagging me about the 8 silly things I want to do (#2, #3 and #7 in particular are to learn JavaScript, learn SQL, and learn PHP respectively), all I do when I receive the reminder emails is to delete them 🙁 But NOT today! I am finally going to use this book which Amanda hath given me and will put “Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript and PHP” to good use (amongst the other “Sams Teach Yourself” books I have been bequeathed several Christmases ago)!

And rather than just do silly scripts (e.g., Hello World) that will never see the light of day, I am working towards having a fully functional website by, er, let’s give myself um… UGH. I can’t even decide on the deadline. >_<

What’s a realistic deadline to learn 3 “technologies” from the ground up? 30 days? 60 days? 6 months? 1 year? LOL. HALP.

BRB whilst I figure out the deadline. >_<

Alrighty. Soz about that. With the help of some cool peeps, I am giving myself THIRTY days (30) to learn the basics of Ajax, JavaScript and PHP. After that milestone, I will give myself another two months to learn the even more complex functions/technologies within said applications whilst working towards the Bearuu Project. Then, giving myself another two months to really be really comfortable working with it. I’m hoping by the sixth month, I would have a fully-functional website where I have incorporated what I have learned and then some. It’s a lofty goal, but I either crash and burn or succeed (mostly leaning towards the latter!)

I wish I can dedicate 24-hours-a-day to learning, but alas, life (i.e., and the stuff that you need to do in order to keep living) continues. I am pledging to dedicate at least three to four hours daily* of what I’d normally do for recreational activities (i.e., telly, social networking, scanning the forums, MW2 on PS3, etc.) into learning. That being said, good-bye DVR of the shows, I’ll limit reading/sending tweets and the # of forums I visit, will put my campaign on MW2 on hold until I can produce something worthy of what a web programmer can probably churn out in ten minutes. >_<

Wish me luck! ^_^

*perhaps more (but not less!), depending on my other project timetables

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