ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

As you may (or mightn’t) know, I’m not Irish*.

That doesn’t stop me from celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in my own way, nor greeting people today a happy St. Patrick’s Day. Hehehe. The funny thing is, St. Patrick’s Day is bigger in the US of A than in Ireland.

Speaking of which, I once had the biggest crush on my brother’s Irish friend, Eoghan (pronounced “Owen”). I was like, 16 and he was 13! LMFAO. OK, it’s best I stop there. >_<

In other news, the weather today was summer-like. Normally, I would <3 and welcome it, but since the LA Marathon is but 4 days away, I’m really not looking forward to this sort of weather for running! AHhhhh. Why couldn’t we have the drop in temps this weekend (or even drizzle of rain or summat). I’m just hoping not to die on the streets of LA due to heat exhaustion! Eek.

*Not that I know of, anyway. Are there any Asian-Irish peeps?


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