Sustenance[Posted on ]

Sally Melt and Tomato Corn Soup

I ran out of food again and when it was time to eat, I had to put something together that was relatively quick and easy. It’s not as healthy as the Tuna Spinach Wrap, but it’s better than just eating a burger, I think 😉


Sally Melt
– Canned Wild Alaskan Salmon
– Land O Lakes Cheddarella (2 pieces)
– Butter or margarine
– Wheat bread

Tomato Corn Soup
– Campbell’s Condensed Tomato Soup
– Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn
– Milk
– Ground Pepper

In a small pot (or whatever you cook your soup in) pour in the tomato soup under medium heat. Using the tomato soup can as a guide, fill in the milk to the halfway point and then pour the milk  into your pot. Drain the canned corn and then add this to the pot, as well. Stir constantly under medium heat until the soup/milk mixture begins to foam. Lower heat — just enough to keep your soup warm. (Add pepper to taste)

Butter one side of both pieces of bread. Line one slice with your cheese (I used Land O Lakes Cheddarella bites because that’s all the cheese I had; you can definitely use those cheese singles). Add the drained canned Salmon — enough so that it covers the slice of bread. Top the salmon with more cheese and then cover the sandwich with the other slice.

OCB that cheese!

OCB that cheese!

Top with salmon

Top with salmon

Add more cheese

Add more cheese

The Cheese

The Cheese

Butter the top slice (outside) and then flip over and place on your grill (or pan, if you don’t own a George Foreman Grill – ZOMG if you don’t have one!) Quickly butter the now-top side of the slice and then press the grill shut (if you’re using a pan, do NOT butter the top slice, yet. Wait until you are ready to flip it over — you don’t want to transfer the butter on your spatula as you press the sammich down on the pan).

Butter topside

Butter topside

Butter flipside

Butter flipside

I kind of burned my sammich cos I was taking piccies (lol) so be sure to cook it until it’s reached perfection (golden brown). Put sammich on plate, stir your warming soup once more, then turn off heat then serve on a bowl. Add parsley garnish to the soup, if you want.

Eat sammich with soup. ^_^

Eat sammich with soup. ^_^

The sammich turned out to be ok, but I forget to season it — be sure to add pepper to your salmon and then mix it a bit. Don’t mix the canned salmon too much or it’ll end up being mushy. The salt in the soup should compliment the salmon, so make sure you don’t add too much salt when you do season it. Obviously, if you wanna make it tastier (i.e., perhaps add spices to the salmon?) then by all means, go for it! The soup is something that we used to make when we were kids cos it was easy to do without burning the house down. ^_^

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