Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Updates mashup! Mashup update?

Whoa. Talk about radio silence.

I haven’t posted much lately, not because there’s not that much to share but there’s too much to share that it’s somewhat overwhelming at times! LOL (but not really overwhelming…  I was just being lazy)

Anyway, updates…

I’ve been keeping up with my training (sort of). Since my last post (Bay to Breakers recap), I’ve done some strength training; did my midweek barefoot runs (by the way, I’ve been tweaking my right arch during the barefoot runs so I’m going to lay off those until after the marathon!); did my weekend runs and had some swimming and more strength training sprinkled in-between. Overall, it hasn’t been an inactive 2-weeks.

Even then, I think it’s around this time of the year that my body refuses to cooperate with me — injury-wise, the right arch tweak during the barefoot run and then just last Sunday (i.e., yesterday), just at the beginning of my long run, my right knee suddenly gave way. I had to walk a bit to just shake it off and warm it up, but that was kinda freaky. On top of that, my mind is winning in terms of telling my body that it’s not supposed to be working out when it’s too hot outside! Or, it could be possible that it’s just me nearing the “B” stage — yesh, burn out. >_<

I’m sooooo going to take a few weeks off in June before I jump right back into training! I totally won’t give up on running, though (since I’ll just be hurting myself later on — and I definitely don’t want to lose that precious base that I’ve built) but I’m definitely going to include more indoor workouts, evening swims and either early morning or dusk running — the key is cooler temps! Or something like that. I haven’t really decided yet on what I’m going to do during my “recovery” month, but I suspect it’ll be well-thought out. Hehehe.

What I have thought about is what I’m going to eat days after the marathon! 😀 They include, in no particular order:

– KFC Double-Down (540 cal., 52g fat, 1380mg sodium) +_+

…then if I’m still alive after that, a day or two later, I’m going to treat myself with:

–  Shakey’s thin crust pepperoni pizza, fried chicken and mojo potatoes (~500+ cal., ~41g fat, ~1800mg sodium total )

…and then if my heart’s still ticking, days after that:

– Jollibee Spaghetti and fried chicken (nutritional values, unk)

Now that I look at my “food wish list,” I think I’m going to need a week or two to recover from it and then go for the next fast food choice. Either way, I would NOT recommend this diet… Unless, of course, you’re willing to up your (bad) cholesterol by like hundreds (or however you measure that) >_<

Anyway, time for my beauty rest — will try to do some lap swimming at 6:30AM tomorroz!

G’night! ^_^

“Happy” Memorial Day. Here’s to the men and women that served in the Armed Forces and gave their lives in defence of our freedom.

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