ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Yet another mashup!

Let’s see, my last post was about the 4th of July 5k race, which was basically posted six days after the race… Then this latest one is nearly a fortnight after that! Eek.

Anyway, I’ll try to post this as I recall them:

  • Mum and Dad safely arrived from Cairo via Schiphol on the 7th, actually. First thing we did that afternoon was go to Costco to have some $1.50 Hebrew National hot-dogs and soda! LOL My mum was celebrating her 60th birthday so this summer trip was extra special. 🙂
  • Spent a few great days in Vegas! It’s basically mum’s fav city to spend her birthday (or during any time of the year!) I actually didn’t gamble this trip, but I did find an equally addictive game called “Derby Owners Club” at Gameworks (you “create” a horse and then nurture, train and race it for recognition… OK it’s really much more fun than it sounds ;))
  • I promised some piccies in my previous posts so here they are in the following order: How to mount your timing chip on your Vibram Five Fingers (KSO), My knee scrape (before and after) and my lil bro’s stick figure drawing of how I got said knee scrape! LOL

Timing chip on VFF KSO's

Timing chip on VFF KSO's

Timing chip mounting detail

Timing chip mounting detail

Bloody knee scrape

Bloody knee scrape

Knee scrape, 17 days later

Knee scrape, 17 days later

What Happened, as drawn by my li'l brudder

What Happened, as drawn by my li'l brudder

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