Workout Records[Posted on ]

Training Mashup (part deux)

Summer is officially over for me (sort of). I need to buckle down and get back into training for three events (read THREE) in October: the Hermosa Beach Triathlon, sprint-distance (my first evar!), the Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles half-marathon and the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC. I was going to add another half in-between the HB Tri and the RnR LA, but considering how I’ve already fallen back a number of weeks from training, I think three-in-one-month is fine for now.

Saturday (August 7th)
11mi bike ride. As predicted, I opted for a bike-ride instead of my long run. It was a leisurely ride, though, since my sis (who rode with me) was still getting used to cycling again.

Sunday (August 8th)
25min P90x. The workout was cut short because, er, it was too intense. Ugh. That should’ve been a hint for me that I’m out-of-shape

Monday (August 9th)
Does walking around the Getty Villa count as training? Nope? Ok, nothing done on Monday. LOL

Tuesday (August 10th)
Er, was supposed to do 5xhill today; but I didn’t 🙁

Wednesday (August 11th)
Finally! Went out to the Beach with my dad and sis to go run. The first 2.77 miles were great. Around 2.78 miles, my right arch began to hurt. I ended up walking the remaining distance to make 3 miles. I shouldn’t have been surprised… I mean, it’s not like I’ve been running, so wearing the VFF’s and going all out isn’t good for my legs (or arches). >_<

Thursday (August 12th)
Dropped off Dad @ the airport. Bye Dad 🙁 Workout activity: nil.

Friday (August 13th)
Workout activity: nil. >_<

Saturday (August 14th)
Yay! Progress — swam some laps but was only able to do half-a-drill >_< Still, 400m done. Proceeded to eat delicious Farmer’s Market food afterwards +_+

Sunday (August 15th)
11mi bike. Another leisurely ride with sis (not-so leisurely for her since she’s using the heavier mountain bike). Win. Ate some Kings Hawaiian food + dessert. FAIL.

Not very promising training activity, but I’m pledging to myself that I WILL return to training and will start today! 🙂 Of course, what’s prescribed today is rest, but I’ll go out and do a short run or summat. 😉 I need to see more gold stars on my wall calendar again!

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