Workout Records[Posted on ]

Weekend Training: Long Run & Bike

August 21st
Long Run: 8mi (Barefoot) + Walk: 2mi (Barefoot)

My longest barefoot run yet! My calendar dictated that I had to do 13mi, but since I’m still trying to catch up with my training, I decided to at least do 10mi, running 8 and walking the remaining 2.

I was surprised that I was able to run for 8 miles straight though I stopped twice, around 30 seconds each time, to have a sip of my electrolyte-replacement drink (i.e., Nuun!) I’m also glad that I didn’t feel any aches or pains with my calf, arches, or knees! This barefoot regimen is really promising… I’ll keep running barefoot during my midweek runs from now on, though — next weekend, when I do 11 miles, I’ll be back in shoes. *sigh* Heavy, clunky, cushion-y shoes… 😉

My two mile walk was another matter — since it was already late in the morning, the sun was glaring which made for a warm day. I kept myself motivated by telling myself that that was my “heat” training. 🙂

Gear used: Vibram Five Fingers KSO, Footsmart calf sleeves, long sleeve compression shirt, Amphipod water carrier, Phiten titanium necklace

Ok, I forgot to type in that after having lunch today, and when the time came to go upstairs to take a shower, I was so sore! LOL it literally felt like I ran a half marathon this morning.

My left knee is also sore, but does not exhibit the same pain as I had before.

August 22nd: Bike Training

Had an easy 11mi ride, which is great for recovery (though, I’m still sore today from my 8mi run on Saturday!)

Going to see how I feel tonight and whether I should go for a run or just rest. O_o

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