Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Confession (and workout mashup)

Let me start by getting this off my chest first — I haven’t been running! In fact, I haven’t ran since Saturday, and I only did like 15 minutes on the hotel’s treadmill, or shall I say dreadmill.

Anyway, on Saturday (September 4th) I was feeling fine running on the treadmill and set it at approximately at a 11min/mile pace. I did notice, however, that I was making quite a bit of noise as I landed — it sounded as if I was stomping in rage, or something to that effect! It’s not like I didn’t warm up, either — I did a brisk walk for 5 minutes, ran for 10 and then cooled down for a few seconds with a walk. I followed that with stretching and then the weight machines they had at the gym: I worked my quads, butt, back, and chest and then did some free weights with the dumb bells. I didn’t do much — probably a set (or two) of about 14 repetitions at very low weights (less than 10!)

Afterwards, we went on with our brekkers, then wine tasting. Later that day, or rather at the end of the day (and after our 2-hour car ride home) my left foot give way, felt pain on my left shin and briefly couldn’t put any weight on that leg! The feeling was like, as if I had kicked a tree with my shin and it felt sore and bruised! There were no visible bruises, though — no swelling or anything like that and I definitely did not hit anything with that shin (and no, I wasn’t drunk — we went wine tasting, not drinking ;))

Nearly a week later, the left shin pain acts up here and there, but I can bear weight on it. I’m somewhat worried it’s a micro-fracture of some sort. Can you tell I self-diagnose? Still, I don’t really want to see a doctor for fear of what he might say (i.e., that it is a fracture). Or it could be nothing! Probably shin splints from wearing my sister’s high-heeled Cole Haan sandals (they’re supposed to be comfy cos they’ve got Nike Air! LMFAO) Ugh. We’ll see… I have a 15mi run scheduled tomorroz (run 13, walk the remaining mileage) and my first triathlon (sprint-distance) is exactly a month away. If the run goes well, I’m going to take next week off and do some non-impact workouts instead (just to be on the safer side). If it goes awry, then well, I’m heading to the doctor. 🙁 I’m hoping it’s the former, though.

Onto my workout mashup for the week of September 6th – 10th:

Monday (September 6th)
Labor Day. Was on the road nearly the entire day. No training.

Tuesday (September 7th)
Lap swim 650m; Bike 11mi. Felt ok. Shin was fine, albeit felt some “light” pain later that day.

Wednesday (September 8th)
Lap swim 650m. Also, I ate too much >_<

Thursday (September 9th)
Half-assed strength training around 10PM because I felt guilty I missed my workout earlier that evening and ate too much. LMFAO

Friday (September 10th)
40 minutes strength training + core. 35 minutes of P90x’s Arms and Shoulders routines, and 5 minutes of abs. ROFL. Again, ate too much >_<

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