ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

10k + Sprint tri + 13.1 + 26.2 = Overloaded October

I just added a 10K race to the already busy month of October.  I needed to do a 14mi run on that day, anyway, so why not run a 10K (6.2mi) then after the race, add another 8mi to complete the mileage. The event is the Manhattan Beach 10K — a race I have not done in 5 years! Come to think of it, I haven’t done any 10K’s in over 4 years! It should be fun, though and I might just take it easy, rather than try to PR it.

So to recap:

2nd October: Manhattan Beach 10k race  (+ 8mi to make 14mi run)
10th October: Hermosa Beach Triathlon (sprint distance)
24th October: Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon
31st October: Marine Corps Marathon

The OCB in me wants to add an event in-between the HB Tri and half marathon, but that’s the weekend I have to do my final long run (20 miles). Then again, if I add the Long Beach Marathon to that, I get my 20mi training in… O_o

I’m so going to take a nap the entire month of November! LOL

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