ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Hydration, hydration, hydration!

One would think that after eight marathons and several dozen training runs, drinking water (or an electrolyte-replacement drink) is a non-issue. Come to think of it, living creatures have the innate ability to know when to hydrate. I guess I’m exception to that (mostly out of laziness and perhaps a combination of idiocy!) LMFAO.

Long story short: I hardly take in any water and felt really dehydrated last week.

Indeed, ever since I began logging the calories consumed via MyFitnessPal, I’ve noticed that my water intake has been low (as in, about 4 glasses a day!) You’d think that I’d finally do something about it, but nope — little miss me finally got another one of those piercing headaches (pseudo-migraine, I call them) towards the end of last week and then finally did something about it (had a Tylenol and a big glass of water). After another glass or two, I began to feel much better and I don’t think it was psychosomatic!

I know that drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is a myth, but given the level of my physical activity (i.e., training) and at the same time have been watching my caloric intake, I think eight glasses (or 64 oz) of water should be my target.

Anyway, I’m trying to be more aware now of my everyday hydration as much as I am mindful of my hydration during marathons  and weekend long runs (i.e., drink when I’m thirsty or whenever I think I’m hungry). I’ve even placed SIGG water bottles about the house as reminders! Finally, I have a smaller (13.5 oz)  bottle by my work desk : a smaller bottle = more trips to refill it = short break from being seated for hours. And as I type this post, I’ve just consumed at least 13.5 oz of water this morning; I feel better already.

p.s., Maybe it is psychosomatic, after all! 😉

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