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Recap: Marine Corps Marathon

Race: 35th Marine Corps Marathon
Date: October 31st, 2010
Start Time: 6:30AM
Location: Washington, D.C.

This was my biggest marathon of the year. Nevermind that I had already done two marathons in 2010 (Los Angeles and Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego) — since I did not meet my goals with those two races, this was where I was to redeem myself. It was also my first time in Washington, DC, and I think that’s where things began to go wrong.

I was actually really excited to run this race which was touted as “The Peoples’ Race.” I knew, though, that because of my spotty training and still somewhat low fitness, I may not be able to finish this race under my goal time. In fact, I had just finally set my goals for this marathon a few weeks before actually running it! LOL

Anyway, I’m just going to make a list of what went wrong seeing as I’m typing this race report in 2011 (I’m fibbing the publish date, though!) and LA Marathon 2011 is fresher in my memory!

Days before the Race
My sisters (and Mum) and I actually arrived a good 2 days before the race. This was so that we could acclimate ourselves to the weather AND the time zone. Whilst LA weather was actually cooling down and nice, DC (to my surprise) was HOT and humid the day we arrived! I looked really silly in my UGG knee-high boots and heavy coat as we exited the airport and onto the Super Shuttle!

It also didn’t help that we went sightseeing for the ENTIRE day on Friday (that means a whole day on my feet and we covered a LOT of ground) and partly on Saturday. By the time the race arrived, the balls of my feet were sore. I definitely overdid that one. >_<

The Course
TOUGH. First 8 miles were craaaazy. OK, not too crazy but there’s this really nashty hill that kicked my bum! I think after the first half, my body began to fade and I literally hit the wall that early. I only finally “recovered” around mile 20 but by then, my legs (particularly the soles of my feet) were BEAT. It probably was NOT a great idea to wear racing flats for the first time in a footrace of 26.2 miles. Lesson learned though. More cushioning required since my feet (though trained unshod) were still not used to flatness.

The Spectators and Organization
I remember there being spectators EVERYWHERE. People really go out and watch you in this race. I do recall a few areas where there was no one to cheer you, but overall, it was well received by the locals and tourists, alike.

The organization was superb, IMHO. Especially at the Finish Line! LOL I remember getting my medal, then walking up to the photog. Afterwards as we headed to the Family Reunion area, we were given these bags w/c had everything a runner would need post-race: banana, bagel, chips, drink, flyers, etc. At other races, you tend to fend off other hungry runners (especially the slow ones like me) just to get a piece of whatever is left behind at the Finish line tables. Hehehe. Well done to the Marines that organize this race!

Post-Race Expression
I leave you now with a video I made (which I had nearly forgotten about save for this printout lying about in my room) after the race as I stood on the queue before the Beer Garden. LOL please excuse my odd facial expressions!

I may try this race again in 2012! 🙂

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