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Easter surprise!

Happy Easter, He is risen, alleluia, alleluia!

Easter Egg

Okay so I actually opened the egg above prior to Easter, but I’m re-sharing it because of it’s cool little note/message inside:

Reflection from Tradition: The Easter egg represents the Resurrection of Christ. The egg is a symbol of the grave and life renewed. May you experience a ‘new birth’ yourself. Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away, behold, new things have come.’

If you’re curious about the other Easter symbols, check out History.com’s page which covers the Easter Bunny, et al.

I attended a beautiful Easter sunrise mass at the beach yesterday — it was indeed around 6:15am that the sky began to lighten up. I was facing the congregation (as I sang in our skeleton-crew-of-a-choir-for-Easter-sunrise) when I had a bit of a “blonde moment” when I turned to look into the Pacific ocean, searching for the sunrise (LOL). Anyway, I was surprised to see a lot of people there (80+ parishioners/guests), albeit we were all quite cold! I’m glad I wore a thick 3/4 length coat and scarf as the waves behind us created a constant breeze; it also began to drizzle towards the end of the mass — but drizzle doesn’t bother me anymore! Bwahahaha.

After mass, my sister Annelle, Irene, and I invited Fr. Ray and Fr. Joe to brekkers (we were joined by Gladys and her daughter, Meghan, too; along with my two choir friends, siblings Cesar and Paola). When in Hermosa, we tend to go to Scotty’s but was advised by a parishioner an evening earlier that Scotty’s (historically) did not get good “ratings” as far as cleanliness (they were graded an “F” twice? since the launch of the letter-grading system for restaurants here in California). We went to the Good Stuff instead (they opened at 7am!) and it wasn’t too bad; the food was good but I just wish they seated us elsewhere (i.e., where the roof had no holes!) because I felt bad for Fr. Joe — his seat literally was underneath a small hole that occasionally dropped rain water into his coffee/meal/water glass. >_<

Overall, it was a fun morning, despite the damp conditions… I also got an Easter present from the City of Hermosa beach… I’ll be contributing to the HB economy by paying a $53 expired meter parking fee. EEK. Oh well. Happy Easter, again!

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