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Race Recap: Bay to Breakers 12k

Race: 100th annual Zazzle Bay to Breakers 12k Footrace
Date: May 15th, 2011
Start Time: 7:00AM
Location: San Francisco, CA

This is one of the more fun events that I’ve done for the second year in a row. I said I’d only run this event once (last year) but seeing that it was their 100th anniversary and they had MEDALS for all finishers, I thought it was too good to pass up.

My sisters, friends and I never run to race this event, either. So the biggest planning item that we had was what costume we needed to wear! I’ve said all along that I wanted 80’s theme (workout gear, etc.) but they kept bringing up different themes and ideas until a WEEK before the race when they finally acquiesced to my idea! ๐Ÿ˜€ This is where the fun began…

My sis, Annelle, was a dance minor at university, so she already had the outfits like, leotards, tights, and such. Still, I wanted semi-updated items like, footless tights, leg warmers and a flesh-toned leotard… Which I eventually found after days of searching ๐Ÿ™‚ Jane Fonda-esque workout gear. Check!

Race Day:
This year, the organizers took out two important elements that made the race worth doing: floats and alcohol. That being said, there seemed to be less NEKKID people, as well! Gone were the rowdy drunks but at the same time, there were also less people who were in the mood, that is, dressing up! There were literally more runners this year (that I noticed anyway) in regular running clothes — and it’s not like they’re elite either! Seriously, why would you race such a fun event such as this one?!

The Course:
As usual, the course was the same as when we ran it last year — hilly and challenging in some parts! The weather was nice despite raining somewhat (or drizzling!) in some areas. That’s probably why there were less nekkid people (not that I was looking forward to them because it was still the same ol’ wrinkly exposed bodies!) it was somewhat cold to go full commando! Hahahaha. Anyway, we seemed to breeze through the course quicker this year. Maybe because we knew what to expect. Or maybe because we didn’t have fairy wings this year that got in the way! LOL We’ll never really know because…

This might have been the last time I’ll be doing the Bay to Breakers race! Though this second year was even more fun than the 1st, there has to be something else that would draw me to participate for a 3rd time. Still, we had a fabulous time on the course thanks to our recognizable 80’s outfits AND playlist! Yes, we had an iPod and a tiny portable speaker that played ALL 80’s songs and along the race course, we’ve even sung along to some of them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, if you’re going to run Bay to Breakers, please do two things: 1) Dress up. 2) Run with friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Official Chip time:ย 01:57:31 (LMFAO again, we weren’t racing it!)
Finish line video: ๐Ÿ™‚

We <3 the 80's

We <3 the 80's

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