ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

A Challenge & Commitments

So much for updating my journal more than twice a month! LOL. Anyway, I’ve been slacking lately and not just with posting here but with keeping up my fitness, as well! As a result, I’m back to square one (or, perhaps square five) and furiously cramming some workouts this week so I’ll be somewhat prepared for when training restarts next week. Somewhat. Prepared.

Since Monday, though, I’m proud to say I’ve actually been doing some sort of physical activity; as opposed to remaining sedentary on my death chair (i.e.,  in front of my work computer or laptop). This is all thanks to a random email from the Competitor Group about The President’s Challenge. I signed up to accept the challenge because: 1) it was a great way to get my bum back into gear; 2) one gets a discount to any Competitor Group race (except for the LV Marathon); 3) I seem to be motivated by arbitrary challenges/contests and the “prizes” one gets for completing the challenge (other than better health, of course). I even got Sheryl to sign up! Now we just need Jo Nisha to join us, too. Hehehe.

PALA badgeYou essentially commit 6 out of 8 weeks to workout at least 30 minutes a day (or have 8,500 steps on your pedometer by the end of each day). That’s what the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award asks you to commit to do, anyway. And then, upon completion of this Competitor Group challenge, they send you a cool certificate signed by Drew Brees and Dominique Dawes AND a finisher T-shirt. Hehehe. More. Tees.  Additional details on Competitor’s freebies here; be sure to use that link to sign up so you are on Competitor Group’s, er, group! Oh, did I mention it was a free challenge? 😉

Anyway, on top of that, I’ve also begun planning for my 2012 races. Talk about long-term commitment! I already nearly have the first quarter of 2012 filled-up, too, as I’m registered to run a 13.1mi race on February 19th (the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll Pasadena Half Marathon) and then in March, as my yearly marathon (my 11th overall), I’ll be running the Los Angeles Marathon, again!

LA will have a place close to my heart because it’s my becoming yearly race where I raise funds for the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research and where I get to don my Team Herman shirt once more. And thanks to the LA Marathon and their cool 48-hour discount, my sisters will be running it again, too, AAAAAND Sheryl will be joining us for her 2nd marathon ever (with Team Herman participation, to boot!) WAHEY!

So, the outlook is looking good, as far as remaining motivated with fitness because of working towards visible goals. Now if I can just finish writing my race reports for June’s Mudrun, RB Triathlon and Seattle half, I’ll be all set… on this journal of brain farts anyway!

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