Workout Records[Posted on ]

Last Saturday.

I haven’t posted a workout record in a while — on here anyway, since I mostly use DailyMile and Garmin Connect to log my workouts! So, I thought of doing a visually pleasing one and may try to do so every week (a visual workout record) for shytes and giggles. 😉

Anyway, last Saturday, my sis and I missed our individual alarm clocks (read: we didn’t wake up) and thus missed yet another LA Leggers training run. The prescribed mileage was 14 miles and we decided that since we’ll be running on the hills of Palos Verdes (PV), 10 miles would suffice (that, and we had just done a half-marathon the weekend before. Race report to follow…)

After the first four miles, we reached our first water/potty break area — the Point Vicente Interpretive Center.

Outside Courtyard

Outside Courtyard

View from PVIC

View from PVIC

Unfortunately, that morning the water fountain was not working (whether broken or turned off). We had a bit of water left in our bottles (even after taking our energy gummies/shots) but knew we’d have to refill soon. I knew that further down (about three-quarters of a mile away) was another rest stop that had a water fountain, so we proceeded on our run.

Sis @ the cliff's edge (sorta)

Sis @ the cliff's edge (sorta)

Our view

Our view

The water fountain was within the (relatively newly-) developed area called Terranea, and it’s actually a resort + golf course + residences. After I filled my water bottle, and whilst waiting for sis to finish topping up hers, I spotted a trail map and thus began our adventure (or mini-adventure!)

Past the sculpture, our trail...

Past the sculpture, our trail...

We normally don’t run on trails (both are directionally challenged) but since this was a pseudo-trail (dirt-paved, fenced, marked!), we definitely had a bit of fun running/jogging walking about. And yes, we stopped for photos. We Asian, after all. 😉 Enjoy!

Lady of the Light

Lady of the Light

Legend of the Lady of the Light

Legend of the Lady of the Light

Me and the Lighthouse (circled)

Me and the Lighthouse (circled)



Cliff and coast

Cliff and coast

Sis by sea-level

Sis by sea-level

Rocky coast

Rocky coast

View from Terranea Cove

View from Terranea Cove

Sis posing (Terranea Cove)

Sis posing (Terranea Cove)

We ended up doing a scenic (read: slow — lol) 11 miles. Check out the stats (and map) on Garmin Connect. There was a bit more trail (past the resort) but we were beginning to feel the strain of our hike. LOL. I got back to the car earlier than sis (she walked the last two miles back) so whilst waiting for her at the Bluff, I took more photos… This time, facing the city.

Bluff Cove (foreground), and Los Angeles (horizon)

Bluff Cove (foreground), and Los Angeles (horizon)

Surfers down Bluff Cove

Surfers down Bluff Cove

Downtown Los Angeles (circled)

Downtown Los Angeles (circled)

’til next weekend’s training runventure! ^_^

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