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Happy (Gregorian Calendar) New Year

Belated Happy New Year anyway. I generally write down my New Year Resolutions around February, but since Chinese New Year is somewhat earlier this year (January 23) and the (Roman Catholic) Church “new year” was at Advent 2011, I might as well fit some “resolutions” down somewhere in the middle  =D

So where do I begin? Perhaps a recap of 2011 would be good, and then go from there…

January: Did a couple of Mammoth trips, and more notably, created some shirts for “Team Herman” for our 5k & half marathon run in February at the Kaiser San Francisco Half Marathon (we raised funds for that event, too — to benefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.)

February:  Attended the Annual GGPH Board meeting, sort of celebrated Chinese New Year and our household finally replaced our energy-hogging fridge with a brand-spanking new Samsung one that’s got a freezer drawer and French doors. LOL Oh, I raised funds for “Team Herman” (LA Marathon-edition) to benefit the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

March: Herman passes. 🙁 I meet my fundraising goals (raised over $2,011) and PR’d my LA Marathon during a storm. PR’d my 5k. Basta ikaw, Herman!

April: Renewed my Mammoth pass, attended a friend’s wedding.

May: had a Body Fat test in a Hydrostatic tank, Went to Disneyland with my fellow Chelsea Chicks, saw my littlest brother graduate from university! Attended a fun Bachelorette party in San Diego.

June: (finally) Ran the Camp Pendleton Mud Run with GGPH! Drove back to LA the same afternoon then the next day, did a super-sprint Triathlon. LOL. Visited and ran a half in Seattle, WA for the first time.

July: attended second wedding of the year. Registered for LA Marathon 2012!

August:  attended my first LMU Alumni Mixer and caught up with old Lacrosse teammates, went to Sheryl’s Bridal Shower! PR’d my 10k.

September: first time I’m recognized as a “Corporate Sponsor” as I attended my first benefit play, attended Sheryl’s  (awesome) Bachelorette festivities.

October: PR’d my second sprint triathlon (Hermosa Beach), ran the Nike Women’s (half) Marathon for the first time, celebrated my 35th at an arcade, participated in Sheryl & Peter’s awesome wedding, walk/ran a 5k with the newly-married couple the next day, then ran LA half marathon the next week in full costume at around 76° F.

November: ran a 5k in honour of a departed fellow-runner, did the Torrance Turkey Trot again, celebrated Thanksgiving with family, fell ill a week. LOL

December:  took my first running clinic, nearly PR’d my half marathon in Miami Beach (Florida), first Christmas (in 2 years) that we celebrated complete as a family. Shot some clowns 😉

2011’s theme clearly was fundraising, charity, and friendship. Also, a year of firsts — both good and bad. 🙁 Anyway, so much for a recap as it was rather long… I’ll keep the resolutions short… and in another post. LOL  ^_^

Happy New Year!

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