ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

First Week of Lent


lol I was experimenting to see if I can keep up my Lenten journey (via the book, The Ascent of the Mountain of God) whilst staying disconnected from the web (or at least on this blog) and the closest I got to remembering that I was on a book-assisted Lenten journey was Monday evening; as I was about to fall asleep, I realised I hadn’t read the reflection from that day.  >_< I am keeping up with my “no road rage” fast, however.

Anyway, the experiment was prompted by Fr. Ray’s homily last Sunday. He shared with us an “ancient” chant used by the monks he visited when he was at the Holy Land. The chant is as follows:

Jesus, son of the living God
have mercy upon me, a sinner.

He suggested that whenever your patience is tested, or you’re looking for a bit of calm, or even to try to get into a prayerful mood — to utter those words under your breath/as part of your breathing. Kind of like the “Oom” chanting in Yoga, or the Ewoks chanting below thinking C3PO is their deity (starts at 0:10) 😉

LOL Star Wars reference aside, being more prayerful is more difficult than I imagined. *lightbulb* that’s why you have 40 days to affect this change! Hahaha. Here’s to the remaining (can’t even do the maths!) days of Lent and sticking to my journey…

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