ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

GGPH. Through the Years.

I’m pretty sure Jo (@castorsosae) and/or Sheryl (@Sharoool) will kill me for posting this, but since I can’t be there at the Hunger Games première tonight, I’m pretty sure I’ll live. ^_^ Oh, I’m missing the earlier years, too so if ya ladies have it, please send (especially the 2010 one!)

Background: We don’t actually take botox shots (yet). 😉 However, every year we take a photo (or at least we try to) of what we would look like if we had Botox shots — and each year since we began recording this process, the “before” and “after” shots get funnier and funnier. So without further adieu or gilding the lily, the piccies!


2007 - Oh how young we looked and wrinkle-free in this photo taken at the midnight release of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows!


2008 - We look so relaxed and our faces elastic even after consuming so much yummy tempura


2009 - This is when we first tried out "botox" and well, the results weren't as we expected (and I'm sure we scared the server at Lahaina away after he took this photo)


2010 - Oh dear. This can't do. This is our "Before" botox shot. Surely we look gorgeous in the "after" shot... which I don't have 🙁


2011 - I think we need to hire a new botox technician before taking our 2012 shot!

Enjoy the Hunger Games tonight, ladies!! 🙂

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