ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Happy Easter (Thursday)!

Happy Easter Thursday (it’s still Easter after all– octave of Easter, anyway). It’s been a heck of a Holy Week and Triduum and though this has been one of my less spiritual Holy Weeks in years, I did do a LOT of praying during my sister’s American River Endurance Run race last Saturday. I know that doesn’t really make up for a less-than-spiritual week, though…

Anyway, I still have to write race reports on my LA Marathon PR (YESH!) and Snoopy 5k 3rd place (w00t!) but I thought, in an effort to update my blog more often, I’d post something each day that I’m grateful for. Things like the seemingly mundane or simple or just anything that someone (mostly myself!) might take for granted…

So onto today’s instalment of what I’m grateful for: Adobo!

Dad's Adobo

What’s so special about this everyday Filipino dish? My dad made it! 🙂 I’m grateful for my dad being able to cook for us (when he wants to anyway! lol). ^_^

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