Athlete Wannabe[Posted on ]

Sisters, the Ultrarunner, and I.

Another race done (a learning experience in running in the heat and humidity!) and I have another recap to write that will just go on my To-Do list! But not to let the event get filed away in the nether-regions of my brain, I wanted to share these photos of me and my sisters meeting Ultramarathoner, Dean Karnazes. The stars aligned that day we attended the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago half marathon expo. We passed by the North Face booth and learned (that morning) that Mr. Karnazes was going to make an appearance! We returned at the designated time, met and got to chat a bit with him.

The sisters & Dean Karnazes Dean sharing his thoughts on ultras

Thanks for the brief, yet inspiring chat, the photo opportunity, and our autographed posters 🙂

Sistahs and Dean Karnazes!

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