ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

No races in August!

I stuck to my guns… I’m proud to say that I did not run a single race in August! I was tempted to sign up for two that I did last year (Playa del Run 5k and Jet to Jetty 10k) but decided against it. My motivation? Give my mind and body a mini-break… AND save some monies for Butterbeer!

Yesh, GGPH will be in Orlando, Florida this October to visit our geeky mecca *cue trumpets*: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! It’ll be our first time there and cutting down on two less races this year doesn’t sound much but every little bit of coinage saved means more butterbeer and other goodies. That and I have 3 more out-of-town trips that will surely suck me dry, leaving nothing saved for Christmas pressies (unless I win the lottery between now and then.) Eek. >_<

In other news, I have been keeping up with my fitness thanks to the Nike Training Club app (*ahem* Sharooool!). Also, I finally learned how to consume more veggies and the biggest step was actually putting them in my shopping trolley! LOL. No more window shopping at the vegetable aisle. xD Silly thing my bro and I did though: for 2 weeks, we reduced (nearly to zero) our intake of simple carbs and had complex carbs with lean protein in our diet. The act of not having bread or white rice was tough (we Asian!), but we got used to it.. or did we? I’m pretty sure my bro’s body went into shock as he got sick first, then I followed suit! It wasn’t anything serious (just a cold that lasted around 3 days) but lesson learned: ease into any diet changes. ROFL.

I leave you now with a photo from my ocean swim last Sunday… Kinda shocked to see this so close whilst swimming out, but they’re doing some “renourishment”, so the blocked view evens out 😉

Redondo Beach Dredge

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