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Recap: Hermosa Beach Triathlon 2012

Race: Day at the Beach Triathlon (Hermosa Beach, Sprint distance)
Date: Oct 7th, 2012
Start Time: 7:00AM
Location: Hermosa Beach, CA

First off, I know I still have to pen my race reports for the ten (10) previous running events (LOL) but I wanted to write this report for the HB Tri, mostly because I need to revisit it next year!

So, no PR. I’m about 3 minutes and a half off from last year’s time and I’m slightly disappointed that I didn’t achieve a personal best. At the same time, I shouldn’t really be that disappointed since I didn’t put in the effort (i.e., training) leading up to this race. Still, I want to take away some positives and critiques from this experience.

Swim leg:
I didn’t panic! For the first time in a triathlon event, I did not hyperventilate and freak out in the middle of the ocean. LOL. As soon as I entered the water, I kept my rhythm. My mantra leading up to the swim and during was “slow & steady” — and steady I went! I actually also did not stop for the first time to take a breather (because I didn’t need to, as I was breathing regularly). Despite this, my swim time was off by several minutes from last year’s PR because: 1) I started too far to the right and was wide off the first buoy. This meant, I had to make up so much distance just to get to the first buoy (instead of swimming towards it, I swam away then turned towards!). UGH. 2) I guess I was a bit tired (despite swimming “slow and steady”), that I mostly walked up the sand, heading towards T1. Next year, I want to practice running on sand so my legs don’t feel so heavy!

Transition 1:
Time spent was under 4 minutes, but I think I can still do better as I remember having one or two inefficient steps in-between. I think one was unfolding my wetsuit mat — should have had it prepared so that all I’d need to do is stand on it. I’m pretty sure I also rinsed my feet but it was useless since not all the sand rinsed away and I put my socks on with sand anyway! LOL. Next year, I’m bringing a small tub to dip my feet in!

Bike leg:
Whether it’s my fitness level (didn’t really do any cardio the week leading up!) or lack of training (didn’t start training for this tri ’til a month earlier!) or both, the climb up Pier Ave was laborious! Even my Mum (who drove down from Vegas with my Dad to see me race) saw that I was sluggish heading up the hill. I remember having a better time last year. I know I used the correct gear, too. Again, I’m just going to attribute this to my fitness-level. >_<

Transition 2:
I got to see my parents waiting at the side as I got ready for the run leg. Again, I was quicker last year because I didn’t have to fiddle w/ my mobile and Nike+ app! XD Next year, I shan’t use the app and stick w/ using my Garmin.

Run leg:
Again, deffo quicker last year but I kept at it and did not walk at any point in the run. My motivator was checking the other competitors’ ages on their left calf. If someone in my age group passed me, I was going to try and catch up with them! LOL. Next year, I’m going to keep my fitness level! My mum noted that when I crossed the finish, my lips were black & blue! Hahaha. I thought I had breathed enough, but apparently I didn’t 😉 Maybe my mum was imagining my face, but I’ll just confirm what I look like when the race photos are released. Hehehe.

Here’s to next year’s race! I leave you now with my favourite part of a triathlon… Post-race mimosas! WHEEEEEEE. Photo bedazzled on pixlr-o-matic

Post-Tri Mimosas

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