ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

NaNoWriMo 2012

National Novel Writing Month

November is almost here and although I only wrote 700 words last year, I’m hoping (despite everything else going on… i.e., work!) that I write more, if not “win” NaNo in 2012. Mind you, the last time I reached 50,000 words was back in 2007 (achieved it in 2005, as well — my first foray into the National Novel Writing Month), but I digress. I’m hoping that I’ll have another draft manuscript by month’s end because it’s been awhile since I’ve “won” one of these, I have a few ideas already brewing…

Here’s to no writer’s block in November! LOL

If you have no idea what NaNoWriMo is, check their website out. If it piques your interest, add me as a Writing Buddy 🙂

Happy Halloween!  ^_^

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