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April, month-end update!

I haven’t been on here as much as I want. Am I not inspired to post here anymore? After 10 years, 7 months, and some days since I began blogging, have I lost interest in posting here? Do I prefer the simplicity of Twitter and social-ness of Facebook? Why do people have belly buttons that are concave, whilst others have ones that stick out? xD As usual, I digress…

Anyway, quick updates:

  • Congrats to my big sis on finishing and officially becoming an ultramarathoner on April 6th, 2013. Yes! She finished the American River Endurance Run in 12 hours. Sis was way stronger this year (compared to the last when she missed the crucial 31 mile cut-off time). I’m so proud of her! Oh, I had a very small part, too; I paced her for 5 miles out of the 50. LOL. The race was quite humbling, and one can’t help but be inspired by all the runners who participated (and finished) that I signed up for my first trail race! It’s a 25km run that will be held around the same area as her 50-miler; it’s called “She Rocks the Trails”, and yes, it’s geared towards beginners and female runners.  The race is around June, and though I’ve done longer distances, I haven’t really gone on “real” trails to prepare myself for the steep climbs, uneven surface, and rocky descents. +_+
  • The GGPH finally held our first board meeting of the year. We had it at Cheesecake Factory in Marina del Rey because it was Jo Nisha’s favourite restaurant and we were belatedly celebrating her birfday. I just want to note that she also has not written the minutes to our meeting yet. LOL Get on it Jo! 😉
  • Finally, I ran the inaugural Nike Women’s Half Marathon in Washington, D.C. last weekend! I actually arrived in DC a couple days before the race and literally ate and drank my way through town. Then, I stayed another day after the race to eat & drink some more. I’m “detoxing” right now, but am so missing Happy Hour 😉 Still, I need to go back to visit (maybe do NWHM or Marine Corps Marathon again next year?) I still didn’t get to see all the sights I wanted to go to — in particular, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, The National Archives, The Library of Congress, The Pentagon Memorial, etc. Back to the race: no PR’s but it was fun! I probably could have ran faster had I not stopped and stood in line waiting to pee. (TMI) Still finished under 2:30, so am still happy. The weather was lovely, albeit it got slightly hot in the middle of the race, and the course was not too bad. AND they had Tiffany necklaces for all finishers, which was the reason why I ran it. ^_^ Chip time: 2:25:48


Here’s to my next race this weekend LOL. Oh, and my trail run training O_o

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