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2013: End of Year in review

Time flies. It’s a cliche, but it really does describe how 2013 felt.

I know, I know, we’re barely into December and I am already talking about the conclusion of the year… Technically, it’s the conclusion of 2013’s races for me — having finished my last 10k and 5k of the year, I don’t plan on doing any more races… ’til 2014. It’s been fun, but I think my body is rebelling against me — or at least my outer left hip.

I’ve been feeling a bit of soreness around the gluteus minimus section; I’m stubborn, so I’m not going to a professional until I’ve done my own research. xD

Anyway, enough about my butt! This was supposed to be a year in review, so here goes:

January 2013
I ran the Carlsbad 1/2 marathon, whilst sis did the full. It’s the same sis (Minel) who started this whole marathon craze — and it all began at Carlsbad 10 years ago. Our other sis, Annelle, was unable to attend (thanks to being in Cancun with her man), and which I found ironic because she was the one that had the idea about “celebrating” the first marathon we ever ran, at it’s 10th year. I coined it, Runniversary. ^_^ Mine’s coming up (2015 at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon!) Oh, at that time, I PR’d my half marathon distance. First PR of the year, and definitely not the last (for the half, too!) πŸ™‚

February 2013
I ran the Pasadena half. Since my sis Annelle broke yet another bone in her foot in October of 2012, she was supposed to downgrade to do the 10k at this race. I guess sis got caught up in the excitement (and found a really cool pace group) that she stuck with her original bib and ran the half. Crazy sis. I only knew about this after one of the switchbacks and I saw her on the course. I was like, “WTH are you doing?” LOL actually, it was more like, “What?!” She finished, I course PR’d. Oh, I got to “meet” Deena Kastor at the expo! Cool month.

Deena Kastor and I

March 2013
The biggest month of the year for me since it’s around the time that I do my marathon distance — the Los Angeles Marathon. It’s also the month that kicked off my back-to-back (-to-back) race madness. It’s not as bad as it sounds: I did the Snoopy 5k in Buena Park which I PR’d (and was planning to!); the weekend later was the LA Marathon, which I didn’t PR thanks to failing mentally at the 18th mile (I did some really funky maths and told myself I wouldn’t PR, when in actuality, my calculations at that time were incorrect and I wasn’t so behind with my pace +_+); and then the weekend after that was the Hot Chocolate 15k, where I ended up switching to the 5k thanks to picking up an injury at the LA Marathon. Herman’s sis, Lin, snapped this photo of me during the marathon… My 2 seconds of fame on telly — Team Herman on TV!

Team Herman on TV

April 2013
One race in this month meant I was able to rest my LA Marathon injury, but at the same time, enjoy a bit of “time off” from events. Then again, I’m not counting my sis Minel’s American River 50 Mile Endurance Run up at Auburn as part of my own race, despite pacing her for an “easy” 5-mile stretch (she finished — she’s an ultrarunner!) Anyway, the “only” event I did this month — inaugural Nike Women’s Half at Washington, DC — was loads of fun. A bit warmer than I thought it would ever be, but definitely had a great time. I’m doing it again next year, too. I got in the lottery. lol. But back to my awesome sis… Congrats again, Minel!

Minel is an Ultrarunner

May 2013
My first back-to-back Bike Tour & Half Marathon. I was still fit from doing the DC race (the weekend before), so at the Bike Tour, I got a bit excited and opted to join my friends on the 50km distance, instead of the shorter 12-mile ride! AHHH. This was where I found out I suck at climbing hills. My top speed ascending hovered between 6mph and 8mph. I’m surprised I didn’t tip over at how slow I was! LOL. The next day, I ran and PR’d the half marathon (which was planned, but a pleasant surprise at the same time). This was actually one of the few events where I completed writing a race report, too. πŸ™‚ The 5k two weekends later was for charity (Pancreatic Cancer Action Network). I placed first in my Age Group, too! Then again, I’m 5 years old. O_o

PanCan 5k

June 2013
Another Back (Camp Pendleton 10k Mud Run), to back (Redondo Beach Triathlon), to back (She Rocks the Trails 25k) month. More notably, I ran my first legit trail race! I’m was semi-disappointed with the way I performed– I was unprepared for “real trails” rather than my packed dirt “trail” at PV. And, I also left my sis behind. πŸ™ I mean, I didn’t leave her leave her — she was fine w/ me going ahead around mile 14.5, but I still kinda felt bad; she signed up to do this race just for me! Regardless (of my guilt), we both had fun and had this awesome photo taken by one of the race photogs:

She Rocks the Trails 25kJuly 2013
I wanted to take the entire month of July off, but ended up doing the Village Runner 4th of July race. I thought that I might PR, but it was actually a half-arsed attempt at thinking I could (without doing my speed training workouts, and missing two long runs!) After that, I said no more races ’til my triathlon in September!

August 2013
I lied. I ended up doing a 10K close to the end of August. The prospect of running under a free entry was too good to pass up. Thanks to the LMU Alumni Team for making that happen. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to get my first 10k PR of the year. πŸ˜‰ I finally broke 1 hr!

Jet to Jetty 10k

September 2013
This was the month for my “longest” triathlon! It’s still considered a sprint, but it was the first time rode 18 miles for the bike portion (it was hilly, ergo, I was still slow at climbing), after swimming half a mile in the choppy Pacific. Oh, I finished ahead of my sisters (it’s the first tri we did together!), and I beat Jillian Michael’s time. πŸ˜‰ It’s not really an accomplishment, but just to note how “difficult” the course was for us: (Please excuse that link to TMZ, it’s a necessary evil O_o) Here are the sistahs representing their own Tri Clubs at Malibu!

Sistahs at Malibu Classic Tri

October 2013
After Malibu, I kind of went into a lull and I think it was around this time that I began to feel some soreness radiating from my gluteus minimus. By the time October came around, I did not feel as confident (fitness-wise). It also didn’t help that I did another set of back-to-back-to-back events: Hermosa Beach Tri, Las Vegas Nurses Half, and Nike Women’s Half. The Nurses’ half marathon was technically part of my training and to determine whether or not I would be able to do the NWM half in SF. It worked — that half helped build my confidence leading up to San Francisco where I achieved a course PR. πŸ™‚ Anyway, enough about finish times… Check out my finisher photos below — same firefighter for the past three years of doing NWM! OK, technically, the first two years were random — but to make it three years in a row, I sought him out (LOL Do I stalk much? xD)

Peppy and I

November 2013
Biggest event to note: My baby brother’s first half marathon! My sistahs and I paced him! Though he didn’t achieve his A goal (beat my half time) — the poor guy cramped up at around mile 7 and had a horrid rest of the time — he was able to come in at his B goal (beat our sis Annelle’s half time)! He definitely did not finish last, either (his C goal xD). All the while, he reminded us that that would be his first and last half marathon; guess what he said after a nice supper later that evening? He’s thinking of redeeming his time next year! w00t! Hehehe. (Apologies in advance to Marathon Foto for using the proof below… It’s a placeholder for now ’til I get the digital copies; giving it to my little bro for Christmas ^_^)

RnRLV Courtesy of Marathon Foto

The weekend later, I ran my first trail half marathon at Griffith Park; then the next day, I ran my first trail 10km (same park, different trail). I just want to say that trail runs are a beast of their own. This road runner was extremely humbled and unprepared for the undulating hills and the maddening climbs whlist at the same time, had fun running downhill (despite knowing that I’d have to run walk back up the same way). I remember at one point in the trail race where I thought to myself, “And you *want* to do an ultra next year? Do you realise it’s also on trails?” just as I was about to whinge about climbing again. My legs surprisingly held well for these back-to-back-to-back events. xD My gluteus minimus only acts up *after* (i.e., post-run soreness).

Trails Rockstar!


Are you still awake? I’m exhausted just typing this recap. I should’ve done this in quarterly spurts… Oh well, I’m almost there. xD

December 2013
Santa Monica-Venice Christmas Run. Like last year, I ran the 10k and 5k. Unlike last year, we had a cold and rainy morning. I tend to love running in the rain, but I wasn’t feeling the love for the rain this time around. Amazingly, I improved my 10k finish (PR! a sub-55 finish!) and also ran/finished the 5k (I nearly wanted to just go home after the 10k but I didn’t want my extra $5 for the second distance to go to waste (not to mention the $8 I paid for parking xD). A bit troubling though is my gluteus minimus (say it out loud 3x lol) — I began to feel the soreness *after* the 10k EEK! You’d think that the cold rain would provide an ice bath for it. Meh. I have no races planned in January or February, but I will be doing my long training runs for the LA Marathon. I’ll just take it one run at a time, and do some foam roller stretches…

Christmas Run 2013

So there you have it. An entire year’s worth of posts in one compact entry. I think my theme for next year is “less is more.” Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the challenge of doing these runs (and thrived on it), but my pocketbook needs a bit of a reprieve. LOL. I still need to run — I dream of doing a 50k around November next year — but I’ll be more selective of the races I’ll be doing (especially since I have a big DC trip in April again O_o)

Have a good evening/morning!

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