Athlete Wannabe[Posted on ]

Open Water Swims!

Haven’t posted a workout update in ages, so here goes…

I’ve been consistently doing open water swims this season (more than in the past), and I know I have gained a bit of efficiency in my swim thanks to the Masters Swim workouts I’ve been attending twice a week (not to mention an 8-week swim clinic I did last June)! Anyway, this renewed confidence in the water led me to sign up for Slam the Dam, an open water swim at Lake Mead in Boulder City, NV. That event is this Saturday. I registered for the 2.4mi swim. I’m kinda freaking out. AHHHH. lol

The first time I swam at Lake Mead, I was a bit anxious thanks to not being able to wear my wetsuit; it’s not that it’s not allowed, I probably would have just overheated since the water temps are around 80+degrees there (not jacuzzi hot, but warm enough!)

This Saturday for Slam the Dam, I will be wearing a wetsuit — a sleeveless one. I feel like I still will overheat! I did a dry run yesterday, put on the wetsuit indoors (with great difficulty), and stayed in it for several minutes. Within seconds of finally zipping it on, I felt like I had lost a pound of water weight. LOL. 20 minutes later, I think I just dropped 5lbs of water weight (j/k probably only 3!) Oh, indoor temp was at a nice “cool” 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That being said, I have NO CLUE how I will survive on Saturday morning! Hahaha. I don’t really want to give up the benefit of buoyancy in the Lake during race conditions. Just gotta keep myself hydrated and would just have to imagine that’s how spring rolls feel when they’re being deep fried xD

Lake Mead



p.s., The photo above was taken by one of our Swim Coaches on her kayak using my iPhone (in a LifeProof case!) as we did our workout at Lake Mead. You can spot my head (facing opposite the camera), arm, and orange Swim Safe floaty in the foreground (right). 🙂

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