ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Good Friday.

Behold the cross on which was hung
life's very Lord, God's darling One;
Mary's own babe, so cold and so still,
helpless before her on Calvary hill.

Nails in his hands, nails in his feet,
a traitor kiss upon his cheek;
and his pierced heart, now broken in two,
love crucified for me and for you.

Eyes that won't see, ears that won't hear,
lips that deny the friend once so dear;
slowly he turns and captures your eye,
then passes on to Calv'ry to die.

Behold the cross of Christ in our midst;
all those who bear his wounds in their flesh.
Suff'ring for crimes of mercy and peace,
signs of the kingdom on Calvary street.

– B. Hurd

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