Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

My Year in Sport. Thanks Strava!

This the second year that — I’ve noticed anyway — Strava has released a cool recap video of my year’s worth of train [...]

Workout: SwimLV – T20 Time Trials!

[strava id=”496792212″] This is what happens when you jump back into swimming, after a very brief hiatus, and the first day back [...]

Hike to Hidden Peak

This year, I wanted to incorporate more non-traditional cross-training options. At least non-traditional for me since I tend to stick to the [...]

Training Setbacks

I haven’t done this in a while… posted something other than an Instagram image! I suppose I felt compelled to vent about my cur [...]

Open Water Swims!

Haven’t posted a workout update in ages, so here goes… I’ve been consistently doing open water swims this season (more tha [...]

Three goals for 2014

I’m keeping it svelte for 2014 with three main goals, one of which I’m labelling optional since I have to play my fitness by ear [...]

Squat Challenge

Who wants to do it? The challenge: squats according to the timetable below. The prize: Fabulous buns and amazing quads. LOL. Jo? Sharooool? [...]

Running, Fundraising, and Pampering

It was a wonderful weekend. Despite my mini-anxiety on Friday with regards to my 20mi run, I ended up completing that distance — albei [...]

Weekend… I workout!

Second weekend-in-a-row that I’m posting a workout record, and it happens to be on the same day that I’m posting it! đŸ™‚  Mayb [...]

An Off (Mon)day

I haven’t posted this in a while… a workout record! Lately (i.e., for the past couple of years), I’ve been posting to Dail [...]

Sisters, the Ultrarunner, and I.

Another race done (a learning experience in running in the heat and humidity!) and I have another recap to write that will just go on my To- [...]
GrĂ¢ce Ă  Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 13 days since first blog post.