Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

Notes: Swimming last night was a bit better than my 2-mile run. It was busy at the pool again but at least the lane I joined was manageable. [...]

Training Run: 2 miles

Notes: ZOMG. I just had a rather indulgent weekend: a chili dog with fries and orange soda on Saturday for lunch then Buffalo wings and fri [...]

Long Run Training: 15 miles

Notes: A week hiatus from running was not good! I felt it after about mile 9 through 11, and walking soon after that. I know I should be tap [...]

Cross-Training (40 minutes)

Notes: Went lap swimming. Here’s the workout breakdown: 100m freestyle; 100m kickboard; 100m breaststroke; 100m freestyle; 100m kickbo [...]

Cross-Training (40 minutes)

Notes: Went for a 40-minute lap swim workout and ZOMG! They took out the thing that divided the pool… So instead of having 25-metre at [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

Notes: Holycrap. I did some drills today. Oh, soz — I went for a 30-minute lap swim. I downloaded some swimming tips from this Swiss s [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

Notes: Since I didn’t complete my 6-miler this morning and went for a 3-miler instead, I went to the local plunge and swam enough laps [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes: I didn’t really feel like running this morning; somehow, when I got to the park, my legs wouldn’t move! LOL. Well, my leg [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

Notes: I went into this lunch time swim with the intention of doing 400 metres non-stop… LOL. I was only able to do 100 metres before [...]

Long Run Training: 8 miles

Notes: Well, the weather during this run was relatively better than yesterday’s run, however, since this is my first back-to-back trai [...]

Training Run: 6 miles

Notes: Wheee! I went on my 6-miler and it was great! I was a bit worried that I’d feel sluggish today (well, I actually had a late 9:4 [...]
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