Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Training Run: 3 miles

I didn’t like how I felt and actually didn’t feel like running at all. The run itself was laborious and my calf started acting u [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

I went for another swim last night — this time, only thirty-minutes (or thereabouts). The intensity of the workout was good though as [...]

Cross-Training (45 minutes)

My thighs were still sore as of yesterday so I thought that I’d do a swim rather than the prescribed 4 or 5-mile run. The 45-minute s [...]

Long Run training (20 miles)

Notes: Well, I haven’t run in a while (due to calf ‘injury’) so this first time out after at least a week and a half witho [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

More cross training this week. This time, I dusted (or more of wiped down) the elliptical and went for an easy to medium resistance ‘w [...]

Cross-Training (30 minutes)

Went for lap swimming today (about 30 minutes) and well, so much for fitness. LOL. I warmed up with 100 metres of breast-stroke followed by� [...]

Cross-Train (45 minutes)

Notes: My sis (the crazy runner) lent me her ZXU compression socks to take it out on a run but I ended up walking about 3 miles. My right ca [...]

Recovery Run (1.5 miles)

Notes: This was supposed to be a 5-mile run at pace but I had to stop walking/running at around 1.7 miles. Crazy thing happened — both [...]

Long Run Training (19 miles)

Notes: Ok, whatever momentum I had last week carried over the first 12 to 13 miles of my long run training and then diminished soon after! I [...]

Training Run (3 miles)

Notes: I was supposed to do my 5-miler but ended up only going for 3 miles due to time constraints! LOL. It was a great run, too — I d [...]

Training Run (3 miles)

Notes: I went to get my gait analysed at the Nike Mobile Unit; they set themselves up at the usual Sangria on Pier Avenue (Hermosa Beach) an [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 18 days since first blog post.