Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Long Run Training: 10 miles

Notes: On Sunday we had pretty good running weather (it had actually just rained so by the time we reached the strand, it was still fairly w [...]

Recovery Run: 6 miles

Notes:If you check the graph below, it seems as if I suffer mostly in the beginning to mid part of my run. After that, I feel like I can jus [...]

Nike+ Women’s 1/2 Marathon

Notes:Well, I did it. I ran another 1/2 marathon without training. Though I had some pains at some point during the run, it wasn't bad [...]

Long Run Training: 6 miles

Notes: Started out well, then somehow, in the middle of my run, lost steam — I literally stopped running and just started walking. I t [...]

Speedwork: 4×400

Notes:404 Calories burned and average pace 10:55/mile. The chart does not actually show the speed increases, which leads me to believe that: [...]

The Nike Human Race!!

Notes:What can I say, I'm proud I finished it and just 5 minutes off my normal pace. This is considering that I haven't run in lik [...]

My Fourth Marathon Experience

Notes:It's Monday; I slept around 8:30PM last night and got up around 7:30AM this morning. Legs still sore, upper back still sore but m [...]

Long Run Training: 20 miles

Notes:Weather was perfect (well, as posted last week, perfect = cloudy/cool day). However, I ran an unfamiliar route (am in SD right now wit [...]

Long Run Training: 12 miles

Notes:What a difference some pasta the night before and cool weather makes! Whereas last week, I was telling myself that I would not survive [...]

Long Run Training: 8 miles

Notes:Really bad run; it was so hot and I didn't have any motivation to keep running. Walked most of the time but ran when the sun got [...]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

Notes:Hello hello. Long time no see, Mr. Long Run. First off, my average pace and calories burned are 12'38"/mi and 956, respectiv [...]
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