Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Cardio + Resistance Training

"Fear is a great motivator. " – John Treacy, 1984 Olympic Marathon Silver Medalist Yep, I totally agree with the quote abov [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Calories Burned (approx): 311 Notes:My first training run of the year! I should be familiar by now that I am out of shape but I was in disb [...]

My third half-marathon

Notes:It's Tuesday and the bulk of my muscle soreness is semi-gone. If you click on my category "Running Records" you'll [...]

Training: 3 miles

Notes:Easy 3 miles cos they were run on the elliptical. [...]

Training: Strength + Stretching

Notes:The 1/2 marathon training begins with some stretching and strength (resistance training). So, I did some resistance training with 7lbs [...]

My Third Marathon Experience

Notes:It's Tuesday and I'm still alive! I have yet to unpack, either, as I have been swamped with work ever since returning yester [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes:These are "elliptical miles". Before my run, I had to do a double-take on my calendar as it only read "3" miles! l [...]

Long Run Training: 8 miles

Notes:Amazingly, this was a good run. I haven't felt this good about a run in a while. Maybe because I knew it'd be a short run (r [...]

Long Run Training: 12 miles

Notes:This is the second to the last long run before my actual marathon. I'm nearly there! The run itself was ok, although, I did not d [...]

Training Run: 4 miles

Notes:I missed my 8-mile run on Wednesday but I was able to do my scheduled 4 miles today. A combination of laziness (and had to work late) [...]

Training Run: 4 miles

Notes:Mileage completed on the Elliptical; again, I'm not sure of it's accuracy but I got a good workout. I'm going to try th [...]
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