Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Long Run Training: 20 miles

Notes:Success! I made my 20 mile run and I am WAY more confident now that I will finish the San Diego marathon on June 3rd. I burned a cool [...]

Training Run: 5 miles

Notes:Ok, completed 5 miles on the elliptical machine again… So, I'm not entirely sure if that mileage is accurate, especially af [...]

Training Run: 10 miles

Notes:I was worried that the weather would be hot this morning and I was soooo relieved that it was only partly sunny and the ocean mist kep [...]

Training Run: 5 miles

Notes:Kudos to Irene for motivating me to run! YAY. I actually followed the schedule and ran as, well, scheduled! 5 miles! Tomorrow, 10 but [...]

Long Run Training: 14 miles

Notes:Somewhere in that 13.33 miles, I did the Walk for Life and actually walked it! I was going to run the walk but couldn't seem to f [...]

Long Run Training: 18 miles

Notes:As you can see, I missed my training mileage by a few good miles (more like 14!!!) Ahhhh. I did go at a pace of 13:37 m/m and burned a [...]

Long Run Training: 12 miles

Notes:Easy run with lots of walking! My pace was approximately: 14:45 m/m and burned about 1,261 calories. [...]

Training Run: 7 miles

Notes:/me pats herself on her back. I actually stuck to my training schedule today and ran the prescribed 7 miles. It was an easy pace of 13 [...]

Cross-Training: Walking

Notes:w00t! I actually got to stick to my workout schedule today. It said "Cross-Train" and cross-train I did! Of course, it was o [...]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

Notes:First day of April and I totally missed doing my yearly April Fools pranks this year. I hope it's not a sign of growing up or sum [...]

Long Run Training: 13 miles

Notes:I did not do 13 miles (as you can see above, I only ran 10 miles). I kinda mentally gave up after seeing that I already had 10 miles u [...]
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