Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Long Run Training: 7 miles

Notes:Burned a whopping 700 calories; that's the most I've expended since the beginning of training. My pace today was at an easy [...]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

Notes:With only 411 calories burned, this was one of my most pathetic runs evar! I was lazy, and basically ran/walk (or rather, walked) the [...]

Congratulations, Annelle (and I survived.)

FIRST OFF, congratulations to my big sis Annelle. She finished her first evar half-marathon (that's thirteen and 1/10 miles for you run [...]

Training Run: 4 miles

Notes: Burned a mere 449 calories during this daunting run; This is the first run I've done in months and now I'm scared for my ha [...]

Running running!

Sheryl — I use the Garmin ForeRunner 201. They have a new version now and I think it's similiar if not better. The ForeRunner use [...]

My Second Marathon Experience

“To finish a marathon is to attain a small piece of immortality.” — Kathrine Switzer, Author/Runner Notes: After months o [...]

Long Run Training: 8 miles

Notes: My last long run training before the San Diego Marathon and you'd think I'd have it good but today I felt somewhat sluggish [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes: Another good Nike training run. My group seems to be getting bigger as well! I had a nice big 14-person trail behind me. ^_^ Burned a [...]

Long Run Training: 5 miles

Notes: Oh boy. What can I say — I was supposed to run 12 miles today and I ended up doing 5. I think I ate too much (yummy) Chinese fo [...]

Training Run: 3 miles

Notes: Not to bad — this is one of the Nike training runs. Burned a good 381 calories on this one. [...]

Long Run Training: 20 miles

Notes: I did it — I ran 20 miles today. The weather was perfect, too — the sun didn't really start it's harsh shine un [...]
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