Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Training: 3 miles

Distance: 3.13 miles (5.03 Kilometres) Time: 0:35:24 Date: May 28, 2005 Notes: My sis and I ran on the strand at Torrance/Redondo Beach. Co [...]

Results: Cinco de Mile

Event: Nike's Cinco de Mile Distance: 1 mile (1.60 Kilometres) Time: 0:09:05 (Personal Record) Bib #: 297 Date: May 1st, 2005 Notes: Th [...]

Results: LMU’s Run for the Bay

Event: 10th Annual Loyola Marymount University Run for the Bay Distance: 6.2 miles (10 Kilometres) (actual 6.05 miles) Time: 1:09:05 (Person [...]

Results: Super Bowl Sunday

Event: 27th Annual Super Bowl Sunday Run Distance: 6.2 miles (10 Kilometres) Time: 1:13:22 (Personal Record) Bib #: 1080 Date: February 6th, [...]

Results: OC Marathon (Inaugural)

Event: Orange County Marathon Distance: 13.1 miles (21 Kilometres) Time: 2:45:14 (Personal Record) Bib #: 3602 Date: December 5, 2004 Note [...]

Results: Christmas Run

Event: The 27th Annual Venice-Marina Christmas Run Distance: 6.2 miles (10 Kilometres) Time: 1:13:42 Bib #: 372 Date: December 12, 2004 [...]

10 miles.

I ran 10 miles today. It's not my best run — my pace was inconsistent and generally horrible. I think I'm getting sick, thou [...]

Tae Bo + Eye Groove

Ok, I didn't exactly complete my Tae Bo exercise this evening (I did about 30 minutes out of a 48 minute exercise) because I caught sig [...]

Results: FILA Challenge

Event: The FILA Challenge Distance: 6.2 miles (10 Kilometres) Time: 1:13:37 (Personal Record) Bib #: 3329 Date: October 31st 2004 [...]

Results: Dolphin Run

Event: Dolphin Run Distance: 6.2 miles (10 Kilometres) Time: 1:45:25 Bib #: 1816 Date: October 17th 2004 [...]

2mi and swarm of flies!

I only got to run 2 miles (I'm “scheduled” to run 5 miles) tonight because 1) I only had less than an hour to run; 2) there [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 22 days since first blog post.