Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Half-Marathon Training…

*cue cheesy-theme-song-they-always-play-during-the-Olympics* (sorry folks, I can't remember the title at the moment) T minus one hundr [...]

City of Heroes

Ah…. I have to remind myself to update this. I started playing City of Heroes again. That game is so addictive! I have 2 characters no [...]

Ate too much. Exercised not.

Okie, I totally broke my whole “I'm starting my health regimen on Monday” pledge. There's actually still a chance R [...]


Si post fata venit gloria non propero. – Martial Well, I did not run this morning as planned. My little brother made fun of me yester [...]

It’s Official!!

I am going to run a half-marathon in December. Ok, just thought you might want to know. [...]

Day < whatever number >

Miles run: 0 Calories lost: +/- 1000 Calories gained: unk ACK! [...]


I'm craving tacos right now — and not Taco Bell kind of tacos, more like Tito's Tacos or tacos from this family-owned Mexica [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 22 days since first blog post.