Category Archives: Athlete Wannabe

My relatively new (i.e., in the past 8 years) addiction to marathon running and now, (sprint) Triathlon

Race Report: Los Angeles Marathon

Where do I begin?! My thoughts are all jumbled up and although I suggested to my sisters (and friends) to make notes throughout the next day [...]

Long Run Training: 8 miles (taper)

This was my last long run before the Los Angeles Marathon. The thing is, I wanted to do 12 miles, but then decided to lower the amount to 10 [...]

2009 Race recap & realisation

You’re not dreaming. You are in fact, reading a post of my 2009 races; a recap, rather. Yes, it’s March 2010 and 2009 was so las [...]

Quads sore. Ajax, JS, PHP to be continued.

I’m still sore; meaning, my quadriceps are screaming for stretching and all that jazz to free it from its bonds of tightness  (or som [...]

Long Run Training: 20 miles

Talk about jumping right back into training. I took two weeks off to rehabilitate my left knee (which was acting up) and although the swimmi [...]

Super-sprint Tri!

I’m seriously considering (as in, am 90% away from registering) for the Spring Sprint Triathlon & Duathlon! I’m planning on [...]

Lap Swim: 900 m

Oh yeah — someone (c’est moi!) completed all 3 drills today, and then some! 🙂 10×25 Thumb-to-Thigh / 15 seconds rest-in- [...]

Lap Swim: 550 m

My training for the LA Marathon continues and although I have not run for 2 weeks (rehabilitating my left knee), I have been keeping up my c [...]

4 hours X-train?

Does 4-hours worth of snowboarding count as cross-training? I think I’ve practically undone that with some carne asada and two margari [...]

Gold stah!

I gave myself a gold star today. WTH am I talking about? Well, remember in kindergarten when you’d be good, you’d get a gold sta [...]


I did about 10 minutes of core workout last night — 10 out of 17 minutes! LOL. I couldn’t hang on and finish the entire workout! [...]
Grâce Ă  Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 17 days since first blog post.