Category Archives: Workout Records

I’ve shifted to pure running and incorporated more cross-training sort of activities, such as swimming, cycling and (once in a Blue-moon) football (soccer). This is a way for me to keep track of what I’ve done (or haven’t) prior to a race!

Pack Running

My sis and I finally made it to our first official LA Leggers’ training run for the LA Marathon. I say first, because I haven’t [...]

Last Saturday.

I haven’t posted a workout record in a while — on here anyway, since I mostly use DailyMile and Garmin Connect to log my workout [...]

Week 5, a 10K PR, and NWM training update

I’m holding up pretty well to the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) challenge. It’s been five weeks since I went from s [...]

Four down, two to go!

I’m four weeks into the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award challenge and am two weeks away from fulfilling the 6-week requirement. Ju [...]


OCB. Don’t really have it; but I do have some obsessive compulsive tendencies;  or I may be in denial and I’m truly OCD :P. Sti [...]

3 days until LA Marathon 2011

I’m officially freaking out. There’s only 3 days left and I’ve done all the training I can do before the LA Marathon. The [...]

Prayers for a Friend

I was set on just posting a recap of my workouts last week, but got a text message this morning regarding the status of my good friend, Herm [...]

Stars, bananas, footprint and 4,645 calories

…aka my Workout Mashup! Tuesday, 14 December: 3mi scheduled; 3mi completed. Small star! Surprisingly did well during this midweek unsh [...]

Weekend Training Review (11-12/Dec)

Saturday: 11mi scheduled. 6mi completed. I’m pretty sure my legs hate long runs, especially since they haven’t been properly pre [...]

Unshod Run = sore calf muscles

Ack! I knew I was going too much last night on my 6-miler as my calf muscles (calves? ;)) are mega-sore today. Well, I did go a bit too fast [...]

No London in 2011, chance of Los Angeles 80%

Well, I finally received it — the rejection notice from the Race Director of the Virgin London Marathon 2011. After a few odd months o [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.