Category Archives: Workout Records

I’ve shifted to pure running and incorporated more cross-training sort of activities, such as swimming, cycling and (once in a Blue-moon) football (soccer). This is a way for me to keep track of what I’ve done (or haven’t) prior to a race!

Reality setting in. +_+

Well, it’s official; I’m totally freaking out about my October schedule. With only 11 days until my first triathlon, 17 days unt [...]

Injury fears allayed. w00t!

Well, I think I’m fine — that is, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my left tibia/shin, as previously though [...]

Confession (and workout mashup)

Let me start by getting this off my chest first — I haven’t been running! In fact, I haven’t ran since Saturday, and I onl [...]

Bike Training: 12mi

My post on Tuesday stated that I’d be doing a run on Wednesday evening. Well, I ended up doing some resistance/strength training that [...]

Shod Run: 1mi

1mi run on Monday, 30th August. Posting this as a separate workout record (well, like I used to until I got lazy posting anyway!) because th [...]

Weekend Training (28 Aug)

Saturday (August 28th) Long run; 9mi. Walk 2mi. Gear used: VFF, compression calf sleeves, Amphipod belt. I guess my body was still recoverin [...]

Midweek Training (23-27 Aug)

Well, that bout with migraine (or tension headache?) on Wednesday really threw me off, but in a way, it’s great that I had some much n [...]

Weekend Training: Long Run & Bike

August 21st Long Run: 8mi (Barefoot) + Walk: 2mi (Barefoot) My longest barefoot run yet! My calendar dictated that I had to do 13mi, but si [...]

Midweek Training Mashup

OK, I’m liking this mashup thing so I’ll do one post a week to my midweek training activities, and then another for my weekend t [...]

Training Mashup (part deux)

Summer is officially over for me (sort of). I need to buckle down and get back into training for three events (read THREE) in October: the H [...]

Training Mashup

Ok, so I’ve already slacked a bit with regards to posting my training activities and it’s only already been a day three days sin [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.