Category Archives: Workout Records

I’ve shifted to pure running and incorporated more cross-training sort of activities, such as swimming, cycling and (once in a Blue-moon) football (soccer). This is a way for me to keep track of what I’ve done (or haven’t) prior to a race!

Long Run Training: 6.71mi

ran on 8/1/2010 This is the longest distance I’ve done wearing my Vibram Five Fingers, KSO model. My legs felt great because the ̶ [...]

Updates mashup! Mashup update?

Whoa. Talk about radio silence. I haven’t posted much lately, not because there’s not that much to share but there’s too m [...]

Blisters heal…

…but glory is FOREVAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Ok, not to gross people out (too late), above is a pic of the blister that bothered me on my 2 [...]

Barefoot Training: 4 miles

I might sound like a broken record but, what a difference the long runs make! I didn’t feel as sluggish for this run as I did last wee [...]

Long Run Training: 20 miles

What can I say? This run sucked. LOL. I was actually having a great run until about 11 miles into it, when I began feeling pain under my rig [...]

Barefoot Training: 4 miles

What a (negative) difference no running during the weekend makes. 🙁 I didn’t do my 18-mile run on Saturday because of the self-defe [...]

Barefoot Training: 4 miles

Well, I was supposed to take it easy today but I guess Sunday’s result kinda left a bad taste in my mouf (no, it’s not cos of al [...]

Swim Training (1200m)

ZOMG. I did all 3 drills today and then one more! wOOt. I had to switch around my training (supposed to do barefoot run) but since my Vibram [...]

Open Water Swim: 804m

My second open water swim in the Pacific and this time it was at La Jolla Cove (in La Jolla, CA). My sisters and I had a wonderful weekend f [...]

Recap: La Jolla Shores 5k

It’s been five years since my previous 5K race and I was somewhat intimidated by the La Jolla Shores 5K. I mean, I think I’m clo [...]

Long Run Training: 13 miles

This was not a bad training run — actually, I fared better at this run than last week’s long run. My left knee, as usual, began [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.