Category Archives: Workout Records

I’ve shifted to pure running and incorporated more cross-training sort of activities, such as swimming, cycling and (once in a Blue-moon) football (soccer). This is a way for me to keep track of what I’ve done (or haven’t) prior to a race!

Swim Training (400m); geaR page!

I was running late for my lunchtime swim and rather than miss it, I braved the winds and made it to the pool. Because I only had a limited a [...]

Barefoot Training: 5 miles

This has been my longest barefoot run evar and I feel no pain in my right arch! wOOtness. Of course, my right calf is already feeling kinda [...]

Open Water Swim: 650m

My first (well, technically, it’s my second, since my big sis Minel brought me on my first open water swim @ La Jolla Cove last year, [...]

Long Run Training: 17 miles

There’s a reason why one should write up their long runs to their training log the day of that run: the experience is fresher, the bli [...]

Carbo-load!Hash tag! One Good Earbud!

I made some pasta tonight (instead of ordering from Macaroni Grill and picking it up!) and came up with something rather delicious. Fusilli [...]

Swim Training (1000m Wed; 450m Fri)

I went to do my lunchtime workout on Wednesday — 1000m swim! I was particularly encouraged to workout by my “new” virtual [...]

Barefoot Training: 3 miles

This is my longest barefoot training, yet. I returned to my old “stomping” grounds tonight — Sangria on Pier Avenue in Her [...]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

The other day, Sheryl sent me a link to this running website that had a running calculator. I thought it’d be just like any pace calcu [...]

Lap Swim: 600m

For the first time, I rode my bike to the pool (instead of driving). As a result, I scaled down my workout (I didn’t want to get too t [...]

Barefoot Training: 2.5 miles

I might have gone too fast, too soon again today. I started reading this article on proper running gait (stride, foot landing, etc.) and was [...]

Long Run Training: 15 miles

Meh. I was able to do a semi-strong 10-mile run with 6/1 interval but by then, I really had to start walking cos my left knee was hurting ag [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.