Category Archives: Reviews

Mostly gear reviews to supplement my running, swimming, biking addiction, but you’ll see the occasional and (somewhat) out-there review.

An evening with Emily Harrison, Josh Brimhall, and Ian Torrence

Wednesday nights in Henderson meant training runs with the Desert Rats and their organizer, and fellow Trail Junkie, Aaron Hastings. Althoug [...]

Review: Fittest On Earth: A Decade of Fitness

It’s hard to believe that CrossFit has been around for a decade. It seems like only yesterday when naysayers dissed the sport and brus [...]

Review: The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young

The first rule of Barkley is you don't talk about it. If you talk about it then you're not going to be part of it. [...]

Mini-Review: Custom iPhone case from @getuncommon #giveaway

I was scanning my Twitter timeline about a dozen days ago when one of the tweets from @thechrislam (aka Ms. Social Media maven & fellow [...]

Review: Run Bare(foot) Presentation

Last night (Wednesday, the 28th of April 2010), I attended one of REI’s free “events”. I actually lucked out that I found [...]

Review: Vibram Five Fingers (KSO model)

Product name: Vibram Five Fingers Model reviewed: KSO (Pink/Grey); women’s size 35 Price: $85 USD (as of 3/31/2010) I haven’t do [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 6 months, and 2 days since first blog post.