
Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


An evening with Emily Harrison, Josh Brimhall, and Ian Torrence

Wednesday nights in Henderson meant training runs with the Desert Rats and their organizer, and fellow Trail Junkie, Aaron Hastings. Althoug [...]

Yes, I’m Asian. Thanks @genesforgood :)

Just in case there was any doubt about my ancestry, I am 96% (east) Asian. lol. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. xD &n [...]

Weather Forecast for #LAMarathon

Am I excited for my upcoming marathon? Yes. Am I worried about the weather (as forecasted below)? Hell yes. It’s going to be another H [...]

My Cursive Project

If you can read the above, well done! 🙂 [...]

Training Setbacks

I haven’t done this in a while… posted something other than an Instagram image! I suppose I felt compelled to vent about my cur [...]

Bye 2014, hello 2015

I tend to write up a year in review post, but since I hardly met my (running) goals last year, I’ve decided to just post my DailyMil [...]

Managing expectations

I went on a “training run” this weekend. Training run is in quotes because it was only 3 miles, or rather about 3 miles short [...]

We are what we repeatedly do.

  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Truest of words from the ancient Greek philosopher Arist [...]

Blogging for a dozen

Happy Blogiversary to il giornale! I can’t believe I’ve had this online journal for twelve years (and 4 days)! From random brai [...]

Happy birfday, Herman.

Enjoy celebrating your 43rd birfday up there with your fav Steve Jobs (and maybe getting a few laughs from Robin Williams!) Thanks to Herma [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D.

RaDragon.com | Celebrating 22 years, 6 months, and 5 days since first blog post.