Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


Reality setting in. +_+

Well, it’s official; I’m totally freaking out about my October schedule. With only 11 days until my first triathlon, 17 days unt [...]

Milk. It (really) does the body good.

According to a article, anyway, on how Milk is a great alternative for post-workout sports drinks. Several small studies have [...]

Hydration, hydration, hydration!

One would think that after eight marathons and several dozen training runs, drinking water (or an electrolyte-replacement drink) is a non-is [...]

10k + Sprint tri + 13.1 + 26.2 = Overloaded October

I just added a 10K race to the already busy month of October.  I needed to do a 14mi run on that day, anyway, so why not run a 10K (6.2mi) [...]

Confession (and workout mashup)

Let me start by getting this off my chest first — I haven’t been running! In fact, I haven’t ran since Saturday, and I onl [...]

How quickly the tide turns

I often “speak to soon,” especially when it comes to training. I posted a few days back that things are going according to my tr [...]

Keeping motivated!

I think signing up for MyFitnessPal kick-(re)started my training. OK, I know it might eventually become cumbersome to enter my daily caloric [...]


OK, I haven’t lost my mind but I need to lose 12 lbs in order to get to my target weight! No, I’m not turning anorexic but I jus [...]

Searching for a scale

Our 7-year old scale that not only weighs you but also calculates your BMI is about to bid farewell… So now the task of finding a repl [...]

Diligent + Vigilance = Digilant!

Pardon the new word — it might be due to lack of sleep or I’m getting used to the terseness that is Twitter (and texting) that I [...]

Want… Compex Sport

I’d forgotten that I had subscribed to the Compex newsletter and I got an email from them today regarding a 48-hour sale on their prod [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.